8. Registration

The registration of a new player or Club should only be done if the National Federation is 100% sure that the respective person/? is not already registered with another National Federation. Please make a thorough search (e.g. using the player’s different last names and/or date of birth) before registering a new profile. In case the player's place of birth / country is not the same as the National Federation which is registering the player, it is compulsory that the National Federation informs the FIVB by providing it with the player's volleyball curriculum and the player's passport copy so the FIVB will analyse and decide/determine which is the Federation of Origin of the player.


A new player may only be registered in the system by his/her Federation of Origin (important: use information provided in the player’s international passport to fill in the blanks and insert a passport size photo). Once registered by the Federation of Origin, the player may update personal information registered under his/her name (except the first and last names – see note 1 below). The new player registration will be made in the ‘Global’ section of the new System. Once the new player is inserted, the username and password of the respective player will be created and sent to the player once the ‘create user account’ has been selected.

Note 1: Once the player’s profile is created, only the respective Governing Body (FIVB or CONFEDERATION) will be able to change the player’s name and/ or to correct the player’s birthday.

Note 2: Before registering a new player, each National Federation is responsible to control the player’s status with regards to residence, nationality and eligibility to represent that National Federation. A passport size photo and the email of the player is compulsory for the player profile (see Chapter 15). The FIVB Sports Regulations shall apply.

Note 3: The “Team name” field in the player’s profile shall be the same with the player’s name on the back of the team uniform.

8.2 CLUB

A new Club may only be registered by the National Federation of the country where it is located. The participation of the club in a combined league is not relevant. Once registered, the Club may update any contact information inserted in its profile. After the new Club is inserted, the username and password of the respective Club’s profile will be created and sent to the Club once the ‘create user account’ has been selected.


The National Federations may update their own contact information by accessing their profile under Global / National Federation.


The ITC System herein is an important reference utility for all parties concerned as long as all information contained therein is kept up to date. This is the responsibility of all persons and entities involved.

Last updated